Terms and Conditions Article 1 Applicability These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers from Brouwers Minerals and to all agreements entered into with Brouwers Minerals. Accepting an offer or placing an order implies that you accept these conditions. Brouwers Minerals reserves the right to change or supplement these General Terms and Conditions. Article 2 Offers and agreements All offers from Brouwers minerals are without obligation and while supplies last. Brouwers Minerals expressly reserves the right to change prices. An agreement is concluded when an order confirmation of an order placed by the customer has been sent by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the customer. The customer and Brouwers Minerals agree that a valid agreement is concluded by using electronic communication as soon as this order confirmation has been sent to the customer. Descriptions of the items are made as accurately as possible. However, Brouwers Minerals does not guarantee that all offers and articles are fully consistent with the information provided. In principle, deviations cannot give rise to compensation and/or dissolution. Article 3 Prices and payments All prices stated by Brouwers Minerals are expressed in Euros, including VAT. and excl. shipping costs, unless stated otherwise. The shipping costs are based on the weight of the package and will be stated before the final agreement is concluded. For orders via the webshop Payment in advance The customer transfers the amount due, including shipping costs, to the IBAN bank account in favor of Brouwers Minerals in 'S-Hertogenbosch, stating the order number. Article 4 Delivery and shipping Brouwers Minerals has almost all items in stock. Out of stock is mentioned in the shop. Customer will then be offered the same type of item. Orders will be sent as quickly as possible. The aim is 2 days in general with TNT Post If payment is made in advance, Brouwers Minerals will usually ship the ordered items immediately after receipt of payment.

The delivery times mentioned are an approximation. Exceeding any delivery period does not entitle the customer to compensation nor the right to cancel the order or terminate the agreement, unless the exceeding of the delivery period is such that the customer cannot reasonably be expected to maintain the agreement. leave. In that case, the customer is entitled to cancel the order or terminate the agreement to the extent necessary. Any monies already paid will be returned. If the customer orders an item that is temporarily out of stock, the customer will be given an indication of when it will be available again. Delivery takes place at the address specified by the customer when concluding the agreement. Loss, breakage, theft or other damage during transport are at the buyer's risk and cannot be recovered from Brouwers minerals. Article 5 Retention of title Goods remain the property of Brouwers Minerals until the customer has paid all that the customer owes to Brouwers Minerals under any agreement. The risk regarding the goods passes at the moment the products are received by the carrier for shipment. If the customer fails to accept the goods, the resulting damage and costs will be at his/her expense. Return shipments to Brouwers minerals are at the expense of the customer and must be made free of charge and with a written statement of reasons in advance. Article 6 Exchange and right of withdrawal If the items do not comply with the agreement, you must inform Brouwers Minerals of this by e-mail as soon as possible and in any case within 10 working days after delivery, or at least after observation was reasonably possible. If it has been demonstrated that the items do not comply with the agreement, Brouwers Minerals has the option to replace the items in question with new items upon return or to refund the invoice value. If you do not wish to purchase an item for any reason, you have the right, after prior notification, by telephone or e-mail, to return the item to Brouwers Minerals within 10 working days after delivery. In this case, returns will only be accepted if the items are not damaged or used. The costs of returning are borne by the customer.

If the customer exercises the right as stated in this article, Brouwers Minerals will ensure a refund within 10 days of the amount paid for items by the customer. Article 7 Warranty and liability If the delivered items show material or damage, the supplier will request replacement or compensation at its discretion, without Brouwers Minerals being obliged to any further obligation or compensation. The liability of Brouwers Minerals is never greater than that which can be recovered from the supplier in question Brouwers Minerals is never obliged to pay any compensation to the customer or others, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Brouwers Minerals. Brouwers Minerals is never liable for consequential or indirect damage and loss of profit or turnover. If Brouwers Minerals, for whatever reason, is obliged to compensate any damage, the compensation will never exceed an amount equal to the invoice value with regard to the item that caused the damage. Article 8 Force majeure In the event of force majeure, Brouwers Minerals is not obliged to fulfill its obligations towards the customer, or the obligation is suspended for the duration of the force majeure. Force majeure means any circumstance beyond its control, which prevents the fulfillment of its obligations towards the customer in whole or in part. These circumstances include strikes, fire, business disruptions, energy disruptions, non-delivery or late delivery from suppliers or other third parties engaged and the absence of any permit to be obtained from the government. Force majeure also includes disruptions in a (telecommunications) network or connection or communication systems used and/or the unavailability of the website at any time. Article 9 Personal data The information provided by the customer is treated confidentially by Brouwers Minerals and is used for processing the order, payment and delivery to the correct delivery address. Brouwers Minerals takes into account the applicable privacy regulations and legislation. Brouwers Minerals does not provide customer data to third parties. Article 10 Applicable law and competent court All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these General Terms and Conditions apply, as well as to these General Terms and Conditions, are exclusively governed by Dutch law. All disputes between parties will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands. Article 11 Provider Brouwers minerals is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number

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